
7 Visits

Suite 3B, Southbridge House Southbridge PI, South Croydon, Surrey, CRO 4HA, United Kingdom

Phone: 02035141910
Working Hours:

Monday - Sunday : 24 Hours Open

Accepted Payment Methods:

  • Cash
  • Debit Card
  • Credit Card
  • Cheque
  • Paypal



  • Media
  • Web Design, Web Development, Training
  • Digital Media
  • Website Developments
  • SEO Services
Owner Name: Qamar Rehman


Search Engine Optimization


Best SEO marketing services for car dealerships
SEO services for the automotive industry have become an essential part of the online dealership’s success. It seems pretty standard to make it, but there are still some unclear details if you are not an SEO specialist. Dealerbuzz is an automotive marketing SEO agency with 15-years of successful experience. We can help you improve the SEO marketing strategy for your site and bring it to the top3 position in search statistics results for automotive topics.


Pay per click Advertising


Our PPC Services
Pay Per Click - This means a customer searches for something using a search engine like Google or Yahoo or a social platform like Facebook or LinkedIn. We make your ad appear at the top of the search page results, catching the user's attention. If you want to promote car sales, it may also appear in Google Shopping.

Display Ads
We deliver image or text ads on third-party, Google-related websites, usually sidebars.

Converting storefront shoppers into customers. Remarketing allows you to return to people who have already visited your website, remind them of the product they are interested in, and encourage them to buy it.

Google Ads
You will pay only when someone clicks on the ad, and we can help you control the bid rate over how much you want to spend per click.


Social Media Marketing


Our Social Media Services
Social Platform Marketing
We pride ourselves on being Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube ad experts, using years of experience and expertise to deliver our clients’ desired results.

Influencer Marketing
We can communicate with top creators locally or worldwide to help your automotive business message to a broader and more targeted audience.

Social Media Consultancy and Audits
We will put together your online presence's good and bad, plus quick fixes you can make yourself.


Google Ads


Why We Are Different?
Result Driven Performance
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Predictable Growth
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Personalized Strategy
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